Friday, 26 February 2016

Research: The Importance Of Opening Titles

When first researching the importance of opening titles in Horror Films, I first went onto the website then I looked at the opening titles of several movies to get an idea of how they are presented and in which order they show the names of the people that were involved in the making and distribution of the film.

I then went onto watch to the opening titles of the movie "Se7en" to do some further research on the opening titles of horror films and learn how they are significant in films. Making notes on the time of each 'title' appeared during the two minutes.

Next, I wrote "Typography" on the other side of the piece of paper and began to make notes on the exact visual style of the credits that appeared on the screen in the two minutes.

I then re-watched the opening, albeit without the sound on, and wrote the words "Visual Elements". I then wrote a list of everything that appeared on screen during the titles in the order that they appeared.

In then wrote elements of sound on another piece of paper before closing my eyes and listening to the all the sound in the title sequence before I wrote down a list of them as they were heard

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